CHANDHARA Afghan Hounds
True quality that is timeless.
You may have found this site because you were looking for a puppy, or because you were looking for information on the breed. Puppy seekers should start by looking at the page titled "What you need to know when buying an Afghan Hound puppy" , This covers choosing an Afghan Hound breeder, and things the breeder will want to know about you.
The Afghan Hound is one of the true "Ancient" breeds with a heritage dating back 16,000 years to the mountains of central Asia, and Afghanistan.
Afghan hounds are known as elegant, exotic and highly athletic sighthounds that originated in the highly mountainous and rugged country of Afghanistan. They are one of the oldest breeds in the world with their ancestry tracing back thousands of years to the first descendants of the prehistoric wolf. Modern research of canine origins at the DNA level has them listed as one of the “ancient” breeds from which modern dogs now descend.
Unlike modern breeds which have been selected for obedience, not independence Afghan Hounds were prized for their intelligence. Yes, Afghan Hounds can be “obedience trained” but using very different methods, repetitive exercises are not necessary, and the Afghan Hound will lose interest.
As a companion they are very easy to live with, they enjoy free running, having fun, playing “tag” and leaping over tall things with a single bound - then flopping down on the grass in the sun, in the snow, or on the couch in the home relaxing.
The section "Myths and realities" will explain the many conflicting pieces of information about the breed that you will find on the internet and in telephone conversations.
It is time for a new look - I will be updating this site over the coming weeks.
If you have any suggestions about this site, please reply to me, Stephanie Hunt-Crowley, at the address below.
Sadly, my Facebook Page - Chandhara Afghan Hounds - is no longer active and my personal account removed. I received a message via Messenger from a known friend, NOT knowing she had been hacked, and that when I opened "her" message I was linked to the same hackers. They took over my account, and *I* was erased from Meta platforms.
I will be creating a new account, but in the meantime I have created a personal newsletter so that I can still communicate with puppy owners and friends. - and it will go to everyone who wishes to subscribe, free of charge. There will be no fixed days or dates - just when I have something to announce or think worth sharing. If you are interested, please send me an e-mail to the above address or to
For those of you who want information on the breed, and/or are looking for a puppy please write to me at . If anyone wants to talk to me on the telephone, just send me a note with your phone number and I will give you a call.
Thank you.
Stephanie Hunt-Crowley.